Houston, Texas, Wrongful Death & Disability Attorney
Have you recently lost a family member in Houston or south Texas?
Was the decedent's disability or eventual passing the result of the negligence of someone else? Or did your loved one lose his or her life as a result of an accident or explosion at a Texas refinery?
Have the conditions of this untimely tragedy caused you to consider filing a wrongful death lawsuit?
At Greg Hill, Attorney, PLLC, in Houston, former prosecutor Greg Hill helps the families of the deceased or permanently injured recover compensation for their losses. Financial awards may never fill the void that is left after the untimely death or cure the ailments of a permanently injured family member, but it will help replace any lost income or help pay the hospital bills that you may be facing.
Contact an attorney at Greg Hill, Attorney, PLLC, today. If you're mourning the tragic death or permanent disability that took place at a Texas refinery, call us for a free initial consultation. Call us at 281-335-4780. We keep our meeting schedules flexible and can offer Spanish interpretation if necessary.
Wrongful Death & Refinery Accident Lawyer
The attorney of Greg Hill, Attorney, PLLC uses a team approach in the representation of clients. Contact us if you or your family has suffered a wrongful death or severe injury in a Texas refinery, or a maritime accident in or around south Texas, including:
- Texas City
- Pasadena
- Houston Ship Channel
- Deer Park
- LaPorte
We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t receive attorney’s fees unless you recover financial compensation for your injuries. Injuries that are sometimes seen after a refinery or maritime accident include severe burns, vertigo and serious disability.
Contact Greg Hill in Houston Today
Contact us today to discuss the details of your case. Call Greg Hill, Attorney, PLLC, in Houston, at 281-335-4780. We return after-hours calls and e-mails promptly, and can meet with you in evenings or on weekends by appointment. Se Habla Español.